

why does paperboard make sense?

At a 96% recovery rate for paperboard, that means recycled cardboard and paperboard products from commercial bailers and curbside recycle bins; it’s a recycled material source that is well established. We knew our possibilities were limitless.In designing ReadyCycle® we wanted to create a truly intuitive package forthe entire chain of custody of its lifespan. From harvest, to market, to at homewith the consumer.We wanted to take the guessing out of “can this be recycled?”, “will this decompose in months vs. hundreds of years?”, “will this harm our natural and marine environments?”, “and can I compost it at home and return it back to soil.”We answer these questions and more in our latest report to give you the digestible education you need to make ReadyCycle the choice in sustainable produce packaging report.

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so why does paperboard make sense?

At a 96% recovery rate for paperboard, that means recycled cardboard and paperboard products from commercial bailers and curbside recycle bins; it’s a recycled material source that is well established. We knew our possibilities were limitless.In designing ReadyCycle® we wanted to create a truly intuitive package forthe entire chain of custody of its lifespan. From harvest, to market, to at homewith the consumer.We wanted to take the guessing out of “can this be recycled?”, “will this decompose in months vs. hundreds of years?”, “will this harm our natural and marine environments?”, “and can I compost it at home and return it back to soil.”We answer these questions and more in our latest report to give you the digestible education you need to make ReadyCycle the choice in sustainable produce packaging report.

how to recycle and compost produce containers

how to recycle and compost produce containers

ReadyCycle® sustainable packaging 100% recyclable and home compostable, here's how. What is the best way to dispose your cardboard produce packaging after use?  Glad you asked.  Cardboard packaging is widely accepted in recycling streams and recovered as OCC (old...

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